Sunday, October 18, 2009

I am still here

I just wanted to bring everybody up to speed on what is going on in my life. The hubby and I are separated and are filling for divorce. The kids and I are living at my mom's. I know that I have not posted in a long time and my last post was about this as well. The situation has not changed much but I am in a better place emotionally and mentally so life will go on. My mom is home and doing great we have seen so much improvement over the past month. Both of my parents have gotten strip throat this past week and now I am pretty sure the princess has it as well , to the Dr. we go on Mon. I am bummed because I have canceled my yearly trip to Denver due to lack of money and my car is falling apart. Thru all that life has thrown at me in the past year or so I have realised all the true friends and loving family I have. Thank you all for your prayers and love and support.

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