Friday, July 11, 2008

Work, work, work so that you can spend, spend, spend

My hubby has been working so hard all the time here lately and all we do is spend all the money as fast as we get it seems. We are paying off bills and now the gas (for the car) and electric bill are out of the roof. Now my husband wants to buy a boat (from a friend) for $300.00. He did work hard for this money and I feel he should get a reward for that but I feel guilty spending money on non necessities these days. I feel that we are just getting out of debt and I really do not want to go down that road again so I am really scared to make any big purchase. I do want to have fun on the boat too however so it is a really hard choice - do I do the smart thing or the fun thing. That is question I find myself asking a lot. Well I feel better now that I got that off of my mind.


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